Unfortunately, our publications are only available in German
and are not translated on our website.
Public relations, the political struggle for gender equality and the fight against violence on women are key tasks of the autonomous women's refuges. Through their work they want to raise public awareness and help to permanently reduce not only the direct physical and mental violence against women, but also the everyday structural violence.
All publications of the ZIF can be seen at a glance below:
Press releases
19. March 2020
Wir wĂŒnschen uns eine schnelle, unbĂŒrokratische und bundesweite Lösung, um [âŠ]
7. March 2020
Am Weltfrauentag und an jedem anderen Tag: Es ist und [âŠ]
Brochures and flyers
To download as PDFs
- ZIF brochure in German
- ZIF brochure in German
- Gewalt gegen Frauen wirksam bekÀmpfen - Umsetzung der Istanbul-Konvention aus Sicht der Autonomen FrauenhÀuser
- Imformationen zur geforderten einzelfallunabhÀngigen Finanzierung von FrauenhÀusern in Deutschland
- Kindeswohl im Fokus: Partnerschaftsgewalt und Umgangsrecht